Chandana De Silva via rsync
2017-05-01 04:36:52 UTC
I have an rsync based backup process which uses rsyncd on the source,
to backup to a directory on the client.
I have rsync version 3.1.2 on the client and 2.6.8 on the source host
The rysnc command I use is;
/usr/bin/rsync -aHzS --partial --numeric-ids --delete --timeout=3600 \
--contimeout=180 \
--exclude-from=/path/to/excludelist \
--log-file=/path/to/logfile \
<sourcehostname>::host_backup /path/to/dest_dir
The rsync log on the client shows the following;
2017/05/01 04:19:41 [90534] receiving file list
2017/05/01 04:20:03 [90534] *deleting bin/.zcat.19441
2017/05/01 04:20:03 [90534] *deleting bin/.gzip.19441
Is this normal, or is there some configuration I am missing ?
I have an rsync based backup process which uses rsyncd on the source,
to backup to a directory on the client.
I have rsync version 3.1.2 on the client and 2.6.8 on the source host
The rysnc command I use is;
/usr/bin/rsync -aHzS --partial --numeric-ids --delete --timeout=3600 \
--contimeout=180 \
--exclude-from=/path/to/excludelist \
--log-file=/path/to/logfile \
<sourcehostname>::host_backup /path/to/dest_dir
The rsync log on the client shows the following;
2017/05/01 04:19:41 [90534] receiving file list
2017/05/01 04:20:03 [90534] *deleting bin/.zcat.19441
2017/05/01 04:20:03 [90534] *deleting bin/.gzip.19441
Is this normal, or is there some configuration I am missing ?
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